County Department Reopening Safety Plan: Submission #19

Submission Number: 19
Created: Wed, 05/27/2020 - 17:00
Department Information
Community Services Dept.
Olean Counseling Center
1 Leo Moss Dr. Suite 4308
Olean, New York. 14760
United States
Contact Information
Amy Mann
Physical Distancing
see below
see below
see below
see below
Additional Comments
1. Telehealth and telework will be utilized for as long as allowed by NYS Office of Mental Health, to minimize the number of people in the office.
2. Most office spaces do not all allow for 6ft of separation between individuals.
a. When telehealth is no longer permitted by NYS OMH, all individuals that are in the office spaces with other people will be required to wear masks.
b. Clients will be asked to come alone to their appts, except for child clients- guardians/parents will be asked to limit the number of individuals coming to the appt to the child client and 1 parent/guardian.
c. Staff will be required to disinfect their area between each client appt.
d. For Clients that come to appts without a mask, one will be provided by the clinic.
3. When staff are in their office by themselves, they will not be required to wear a mask, however, when they walk down the hallways, which are not wide enough to allow passing beyond 6 ft., they will be required to wear face coverings.
a. This will also be in effect for the front office, break room, and rest room areas, or any other area that does not allow for 6 ft. between individuals.
4. Signs will be posted throughout the clinic regarding social distancing, and taped markers will be placed on the floor around desks in the front office and waiting room.
5. Protect personnel at high risk for severe illness through telework, or minimizing contact with the public and other employees when able
a. To the extent possible and permissible by NYS OMH, staff who are high risk will continue remote work
6. Limit in-person gatherings (e.g. interviews) as much as possible and use tele- or video-conferencing whenever possible. Essential in-person gatherings (e.g. meetings) should be held in open, well-ventilated spaces with appropriate social distancing among participants
a. In order to meet the above, all meetings will be held via video-conferencing software- through GoToMeeting or WebEx. There will be no scheduled in-person meetings.

What types of positions may do remote work from home:
• For as long as telehealth is permitted by NYS OMH, most staff in the counseling center will be able to work from home- therapists, prescribers, support staff, billing staff, nurses, and supervisors.
Pick-ups and deliveries
• Any ppwk/documents will be emailed to clients, providers, and/or other individuals; if email is not possible for whatever reason, items will be mailed. If there are other items which will require a pick up, individuals will be asked to give a day/time in which they will be able to pick up item and they will only be able to pick up at the front desk of the Olean Counseling Center
• Individuals who need to drop off items when mailing is not possible will be able to do so, by bringing said item to the front desk at the Olean Counseling Center.
• All other deliveries from UPS, FedEx, etc. will continue as is.
Physical Space Modifications

Please provide in detail any physical space modifications that are proposed to achieve social distancing requirements.  These modifications can include, but not limited to rearranging offices, adding physical barriers, etc.

• The back “bullpen” area which currently is set up with shared cubicles needs to be reconfigured so that each employee has their own space.
o Per building maintenance, 6 cubicle spaces will be re-constructed in order to accommodate 5 employees and storage.
 At this time, a cost is not available for this modification
Protective Equipment
Detailed Summary Options
• All staff will be given re-usable face masks, if they do not have their own
o Staff will be educated on the importance of cleaning and disinfecting their own masks, and storage, when appropriate, and signs will be posted with educational cleaning reminders
• Disposable PPE will be discarded in designated containers within the clinic
• Clients and/or visitors that come to the clinic without face masks will be given one
Hygiene and Cleaning
Detailed Summary Options
• Hygiene
o All staff will be given individual hand sanitizers to keep at their work stations
o Hand sanitizers will also be kept at all shared areas that include shared objects that are frequently touched
o Handwashing is available in the break room and the rest rooms
 Signage will be placed in each area on proper hand washing techniques
• Cleaning and disinfecting
o Each office will be wiped down after any face to face visits with clients and/or visitors; staff will be responsible for wiping down their own areas.
 Appts will be spaced out so that there is time allowed for the cleaning/disinfecting to occur
o All shared objects (i.e. copy machine, fax machine, etc.) will be wiped down after each use by the user.
o Common and high transit areas will be wiped down, at minimum, in the morning, middle, and end of each day; this will be a shared responsibility of staff on site.
Detailed Summary Options
• Any updated information for staff will be shared on the shared Community Services V: drive on the County server. Staff are notified when files are added to that drive are pertinent to them.
• Signage will be placed throughout the clinic with any updated communications that must be shared amongst clients, visitors, and staff
Symptom Screening
Employees will enter through the main entrance of the Olean County Building and will enter the clinic through the waiting room entrance only
• All employees will undergo a pre-shift screening when reporting to the office each day
• All staff will be required to report to the Clinic Director (Admin Sect in C.D. absence) at the start of their day with the following information:
o temperature read from the front door
o any other positive symptoms: cough, difficulty breathing, body aches, headaches, sore throat, runny nose, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
o positive COVID test in last 14 days
o close contact with someone with suspected or confirmed COVID in past 14 days
PPE Request

Personal Protective Equipment, Social Distancing Markers, Signage, or Cleaning Products that you will need to reopen.

Masks/Face Coverings

Cloth/Fabric Masks


Surgical/Procedure Masks

for use and immediate disposal for nurses providing injections

N-95 Respirators


Other, Please describe

Protective Clothing





Other Protective Clothing

not sure what would be more appropriate for use during medication injections- non-disposable gowns or coveralls