2019 Coordinated Transportation Plan Surveys

Cattaraugus County Coordinated Transportation Plan Surveys for 2019.

Transportation is critical to living in Cattaraugus County, allowing access to jobs, health care, education, and a range of other services. Transportation permits residents to live independently and participate in community activities. Cattaraugus County is in the process of updating its Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan, and the surveys below will assist local stakeholders to work collaboratively in the coordination of transportation services. Based upon your affiliation, please select the appropriate survey link below (Transportation Provider, Human Services Agency, or General Public) and help us by filling out the survey.

If you have questions about these surveys, please contact Patrick McGlew at 716-938-2387. Thank you.

Pick a survey:

Are you primarily a provider of Client/Human Services?

Human Services Survey

Are you primarily a Transportation Provider (bus, taxi, etc.)?

Transportation Providers Survey

Survey for the General Public

Take the survey for the General Public